A Conversation and UX Designer.

Hey, I'm Alea.
I am a designer who works with words. I am really interested in transition design and how we can use design to make our world more responsible, ethical, and sustainable.
I'm also a corgi mom, an artist, an avid reader, and an award winning chef - Seattle Times Pantry Challenge.
I am currently designing conversations at Best Buy.
Here's some of my work

A little about me.
I am an experienced designer with a Masters in Human Computer Interaction Design and over 5 years of work experience. My favorite part of the design process is ideation; I love creative problem solving and leading brainstorming sessions among groups of designers.
My personal design perspective focuses on responsibility and ethics to create products. I believe that designers bear significant responsibility in our modern world, and my user-focused viewpoint puts people first, thinking about their wants and needs and how we can incorporate them in sustainable ways. I began my career working in the non-profit sector, so ethics and “doing good” has always been important to me. My goal is to become a leader to help make design a more responsible field. In my free time I like to read, cook, eat, craft, do art, scuba dive, and travel.
My Code of Ethics
Here are a few of the ethical standards I hold myself accountable for. I believe that we, as humans and design/technology professionals, have immense potential to impact the world. I'd like to spend my time attempting to make things a little better.
“No one understands the powerful mechanism behind these manipulations better than design professionals, and we have the creativity and persuasiveness to make a positive change. We must act, be heard… and sometimes simply say no by designing a better yes” (Berman, D., 2009, pp.147-149).
I will strive to make the ethical choice.
Finding the most ethical course of action may be difficult, but that will not deter me from attempting to find the most ethical solution to any problem.
I will claim responsibility for social impacts of my work.
If negative consequences occur, I will improve on my research methods and will face my next ethical decision with a renewed determination to find the best outcome.
I encourage diversity.
I love learning. That means listening to other people’s experiences. Welcoming and encouraging people who come from diverse backgrounds, diverse cultures. Making space for people who society has historically kept down. Diversity leads to better design.
I recognize that my ethical code is flexible and subject to change.
As it should be – ethical considerations are informed by knowledge and newly formed opinions over the course of my life. I will engage my peers in active discussion to aid in the pursuit of an ideal ethical code for myself.